There are more deer attractant products on the market now than ever before. Don’t believe me? Just take a stroll through the hunting section of any local outdoor store. There are liquids, feed, minerals, buck scents, doe scents, even vaporized scents. With all the options to choose from where do you start? After talking with several hunters and my own personal experiences I have complied a list of the best deer attractant products on the market. I broke them down into different sections so that it is easier to find what you were looking for whether it be minerals for the spring or the best estrus for the rut.

Table Of Contents (click to go to section):

Here is our list of all attractants for every scenario, click the orange to see why and read more about the product, and click the green to shop.

Best Minerals for Deer Attractant:

Best Scents for Mock Scrapes:

Best Buck Scents for Deer Attractant:

Best Doe Estrus Scents for Deer Attractant:

Best Other Deer Attractant:

Best Deer Minerals & Why

Minerals benefit whitetails in several different ways. The first and most important is that they promote healthy digestion which in turn supports a whitetail’s overall health. They also aid in the production of milk which benefits both doe and fawn. It is also said that minerals help with growing antlers, while this is not proven it is known that minerals make up a large portion of an antlers make up. Regardless of the reason you put down mineral the important thing is that you are, and not only that but you are putting down quality mineral. With all the minerals on the market it can be hard to decided what to use. After years of using mineral sites, this is the list we have come up with to help you take out the guess work.

Best Overall Mineral for Attracting Deer: Nutri-Crave 20 LB Block

When it comes to deer management and health one of the pioneers in the industry is Don Higgins, he just so happens to the president of Real World Wildlife Products as well. Don is known for setting up top notch hunting properties all over the Midwest and even shares his tips on the Whitetail Master Academy. He also produces top notch minerals for whitetail. These minerals are higher in price then most others, but you get what you pay for. By that I mean they offer top shelf products that are not mass produced. They offer two main minerals their Nutri crave Deer Block and Maximizer Mineral which is a granular mineral packed full of the mineral’s whitetail need and the. The Nutri crave deer block is packed full of minerals and corn which not only draws in deer but supplies them with the vital minerals they need. If you wonder how well their products work, just look at Don Higgins trophy wall. With 3 bucks over 200 inches of antler each I don’t think you can go wrong with his products.

Best Rock Mineral for Attracting Deer: Trophy Rock Redmond All-Natural Salt Rock

Redmond hunting products Trophy Rock has been around as long as I can remember. What started out as a mined 10-pound rock rich in minerals has turned into one of the top minerals today. Not only do they offer the rocks which are known to last 3 months or more in a heavily used site, but they also offer a liquid form and a crushed rock form. All 3 are known to draw deer in and replenish the minerals they lack while also leaching minerals into the ground for later consumption. As deer visit these sites, they paw out the ground to the point that it can look like a small crater after a few years of continued use. Redmond Hunting Products also offers a trophy rock called the Candy Apple rock. This 44-pound rock not only draws deer in with its sweet apple smell, with average deer use it can last an entire season. This is one of my go to minerals rocks in easy to access spots, the only negative to this rock is the weight.

Best Flavored Mineral: Big Tine Nitro & Big Tine Cherry on Top

When it comes to flavored mineral Big Tine has the market cornered with flavors like cherry, apple, orange, and pear. They offer granular, blocks, and liquid minerals in most all their flavor’s. One of my favorite products from Big Tine is their Nitro Granular Mineral and Vitamin Supplement. It comes in 20-pound bags that are infused with their cherry rush long range attractant. This granular product is packed with a combination of trace minerals and vitamins that are designed for optimum deer health and digestion. I like to use this on an existing ground mineral site, or I will also pour this over top of a mineral block. Another one of my favorite products from Big Tine is their Cherry On Top Corn Coating. It is a liquid attractant that can be used to mix with feed to draw in deer. My favorite way to use it is to pour over top of a mineral block to get a new mineral site started. The smell of the cherry will draw any deer within smelling distance in to check it out. Once they visit the first time, they will become a frequent visitor.

Best Liquid Mineral for Attracting Deer: Liquid Trophy Rock

Redmond Hunting Products also makes a liquid mineral that is made up of all the same great minerals as the rock but in an easily packable jug. The Liquid Trophy Rock is great for locations deep in the timber that it may not be as easy to pack a heavy rock in. When using these minerals, it is best to find a tree stump off a trail and pour the liquid all over it. Just remember to shake the jug well to mix all the minerals in before you pour it. The liquid works as great as the rock, but it also contains molasses which will help draw in. Another great way to use liquid minerals is to pour it on top of a mineral rock, this will give you the smell to help draw deer in while extending the life of your rock.

Best Budget Mineral for Attracting Deer: Deer CaneAni-Logics Mineral Dirt, and Buck Bourbon

If you’re on a tight budget, which we all have been on at some point or another, there are still some budget friendly decent minerals on the market. There are three main minerals that come to mind when I think of budget friendly, and they are Deer CaneAni-logics Mineral Dirt 180, and Buck Bourbon. All three of these minerals are under 15 dollars apiece and give you options between granular minerals and liquids. I have tried all three and personally I have had my best luck with Deer Cane. It has a powerful deer attractant which drew deer in but didn’t seem to last as long as the others. This is another one of those liquids that would go great on top of a rock mineral. Regardless of which you pick of the three they all do their job; you just may have to replenish more often.

Best Deer Scents & Why

One of the most effective ways to locate and pattern a whitetail buck especially in the month of October is Mock Scrapes. As the rut draws near bucks use scrapes like we use cell phones. It is one of the primary forms of communication to establish dominance and known when a doe is close to coming into estrus. For this reason, bucks will frequently check natural and mock scrapes enough to be able to pattern them for a short period of time. Using the right scents in a natural or mock scrape is as important as well as knowing how to use the scents. Before using any of the products below study up on where each of the scents go on the scrape because you could scare a buck off as fast as you can attract him. The list of scents below come from talking to several top hunters as well as my own personal experiences. Give any of these best deer scents a shot paired with a cell camera, and you are in for a good time.

Best Scents for Mock Scrapes

Best Overall Scent for Mock Scrape: Smokeys Deer Lure

When they say big things come in small packages, they must have had Smokeys Deer Lures in mind. These little bottles of magic may come with a higher price tag then some of the other products but for good reason, they work. Smokeys offers several different products designed just for mock scrapes. My favorite is the “Wicked Wicks” compound that is used for licking branches and rope scrapes. They also offer both a doe and buck forehead gland scent. Don’t let the higher price tag scare you away a little bit of this magical juice goes a long way.  The best part of this scent is it’s always fresh and never spoils.  It is, however, costlier than other brands – but hey, you pay for what you get in life.

Best Synthetic Scent for Mock Scrape: Buck Fever Synthetics

When it comes to synthetic scents especially for mock scrapes one name comes to mind Buck Fever Synthetics. Formally known as Hawg Scents which has ties back to Mitch Rompola and his famous buck tells you how long their products have been around. They offer several great products for drawing in both bucks and does to mock scrapes but two shine above the rest. The first is the Forehead Gland scent. This scent is great for applying to overhanging branches of a mock scrape and deer rubs. The other is the Pre/Post rut formula. This is a product that you can use year-round to freshen up natural or mock scrapes. Both products are 100 percent synthetic which means they will never spoil and always stay fresh. A bonus product Buck Fever Synthetics offers is a Scrape Rope System. This is the perfect product for making mock scrapes where you want them. If you haven’t tried a scrape rope system, I suggest you do, they are taking the mock scrape game to the next level.

Best Pure Urine Scent for Mock Scrape: Raw Frozen Scents

If you can use natural urine in your state nothing beats Raw Frozen Scents. Used by some of the biggest names in the industry like Adam Hays and Working Class Hunter. The results speak for themselves. The urine is collected and bottled and frozen at peak times to get the best product available. This scrape attractant is a great way to introduce new bucks and does to an area to keep your target buck coming back to investigate day after day. Raw Frozen Scents are 100% natural but are higher maintenance as they need to be kept frozen then thawed when ready to use.

Best Budget Friendly Scent for Mock Scrapes: Pure Whitetail Spellbound & Bachelor Group

When it comes to deer scents especially for scrapes the saying you get what you pay for holds true. There are several companies that offer scents for under 10 dollars but in my experience, I think you scare more deer than you attract. With that said there are still a few products that are more budget friendly and still work great. The first company that comes to mind is Pure Whitetail. They offer a variety of scents in liquid and powder form. Two of my favorite scents from them are Spellbound and Bachelor Group. Both scents are affordable and work well. The other company that makes a great product is VanMeter and Son Lures. They are a small shop in Indiana that makes great products for both trapping and hunting. Two of my favorite scents they offer are Ridge Top Buck-In-Rut and Mock Scrape. I have had great success with both scents as well. Just hang a trail camera in front of your scrape and you will see what I mean.

Best Buck Scents

Buck scents are used to introduce a new buck into an area. They are primarily used in the fall during the pre-rut and rut. As bucks start to get territorial, they will seek out bucks that are in their core areas. The last week of October is a great time to take buck urine and put it in your mock or real scrape every time you head into hunt. This will drive any local dominate buck crazy. Buck urine is a double edge sword though, if you have a buck that is subordinate that you are after I would avoid using any buck urine. This is a sure way to chase him out.


Best Overall Scent: Smokey’s Deer Scents

When it comes to the best overall scents to mimic a buck my go to is Smokeys deer scents. Smokey carries a scent for each gland on a buck. By that I mean he has a preorbital scentinterdigital scent, and forehead scent. These 3 scents are all that is needed to introduce a new buck to the area anytime you would like. They work great in pre and post rut as well as during the rut. This scent is very potent so keep that in mind when using it a few drops goes a long way. You can buy each scent separately or in a 3 pack with each scent.

Best Value Buck Scent / Best Buck Urine: Raw Frozen Package That Includes Buck Urine

There aren’t many natural buck urines on the market these days. I have found many local deer farms offer buck urine that collect and bottle at the farm. While these can be a great choice as they are local deer, they may not always be collected properly. For that reason, I use Raw Frozen Scents Multi Buck Urine. This is a great scent for any time you would need to introduce a new buck to the area.  This pack really includes everything you need and it’s why it’s seen a few times on this list – but their natural buck urine is 100$ natural and contains urine from multiple bucks.  If you need a quick hitter, and don’t want to spend for a package – Code Blue makes another great Buck Urine for $6.

Best Synthetic Buck Scent: VanMeter and Sons

As far as synthetic scents go there it’s hard to beat Buck Fever Synthetics and Smokeys Deer Lures. With that said, one of my favorite buck scents to use is made by a little shop in southern Indiana called VanMeter and Sons. They make several scents but the two that sand out the most are Old #11 and Ridge Top Buck-in-Rut. These are both great synthetic scents that can be used on a drag or misted in the air from a tree stand.  They also never spoil.  Downfall – they are costlier than some of their competitors.

Best Doe Estrus Scents for Attracting Deer

When the rut is in full swing bucks only have one thing on their mind, and that is finding the next doe in estrus. They will spend as much time as they possibly can cruising field edges, rut funnels, pinch points, just about anywhere you can think of looking for that doe. For this reason, one of the best scents on the market to use this time of year is doe in estrus. Let’s break down the top ones to use throughout the peak of the rut.

Best Overall Doe Estrus: Raw Frozen 30+ Peak Estrus

The best overall doe estrus scent on the market is Raw Frozen Scents 30+ Peak estrus. This is 100 percent doe urine collected from does at peak estrus. This is as close to having a doe in estrus as it gets. I like to use this in a few different ways. The first is that it is great for a deer drag as a trailing scent. I will dip a scent wick into the bottle and slowly drag this down a trail on my way into the timber. The second way I like to use this is by putting a little in an active scrape. Either way works great.

Pros: 100 percent Natural, contains 30 pk/mg of doe estrus, collected at peak estrus cycle.

Cons: Needs to be kept frozen then thawed when used.

Best Budget Doe Estrus for Attracting Deer: Tink’s Peak 30

There are many estrus scents on the market to choose from, but I would steer clear of most of them. When it comes for best scent for the money is Tink’s Peak 30. Just remember you get what you pay for, with that said I would steer clear of all the 5-dollar doe scents as I think they can do more damage than good.

Pros: Always fresh will never spoil.

Cons: May not work as well as the other scents listed.

Best Synthetic Doe Estrus: Buck Fever Full Rut

In states where you are only able to use synthetics it’s hard to beat Buck Fever Full Rut. This always fresh estrous comes in a convenient spray bottle that makes it great for soaking a drag or misting from your tree stand. It may not be natural deer urine but it’s as close as you can get.

Pros: Always fresh will never spoil.

Cons: Cost more than other mass-produced scents.

Best Alternative Deer Attractants & Why

There are a few products that deserve to be included as a best of deer attractant but are a little more unique than just a scent or rock. These products have really stood out to me and had a noticeable influence on deer movement. The products are Wyndscent, Buckstik, Conquest Scents, and Rakk Fuels deer feed. I will cover each below and why I think they deserve a spot on the list.

Best Electronic Scent Vaporizer: Wyndscent

Let’s start with Wyndscent and what it is. Wyndscent is an electronic scent vaporizer. It takes several of your top scent companies like Conquest Scents, Pure Whitetail, and Code Blue and turns them into vapor. This is a highly effective way for scent to carry a long way. The vapors coming from Wyndscent can travel as far as 250 yards downwind of the dispenser. This makes it great to draw deer from a far especially during the rut. I personally was able to draw a target buck off a creek bedding over 200 yards away during the rut.

Best Mock Scrape Rubbing Tree System: Buckstik

This is a complete all in one mock scrape rubbing tree system. Sure, we have the ropes that I discussed above that allow you to make a mock scrape under any tree and yes, they are highly effective, but Buckstik is a whole tree that you can stake into the ground. It has the licking branch, rubbing post, and mock scrape system all built into one. Have you ever noticed a lone tree out in the middle of a food plot or agricultural field gets a lot of attention? This is because deer are highly curious animals. Now with Buckstik you can place your own tree in the middle of your food plot or 30 yards out off a field edge. Trust me the attention this thing will receive will blow your mind.

Best Calming Scent: Conquest Scents

Conquest scents is best known for their ever-calm deer scent. This scent is designed to calm deer as they come into a location. Trust me it works, and it works great. It comes in a stick form like deodorant, and you rub it where you want to use it. I have had great success with this by applying a little bit of it at eye level on the tree that I am hunting from. I have also used it as a cover scent by applying a little bit above my head in the tree I am hunting from. I have seen many deer come in cautions and as soon as they pick up on the scent they relax. This is because the scent is collected from deer beds. They also make a rutting buck and estrous doe scent.

Best Feed for Deer HealthRakk Fuels Deer Feed

Lastly, I wanted to cover Rakk Fuels advanced deer feed. The reason I think this belongs on the list is that it is infused with apple attractant. Not just any apple attractant though, it draws in deer from all over. I ran regular deer corn through my Moultrie feeder for several years before I started to look for something better for total herd health. When I came across Rakk fuels blend of corn, soybeans, and sunflower seeds I knew I found something special. Not only do deer love it, it is also great for their overall health. It is packed full of prebiotics and probiotics. It not only helps with digestion it also boosts a deer’s immune system. What more could you ask for?

Best DIY Scent Maker for Attracting Deer: Scent Blender

Crafted with hunters in mind, this portable scent blender is easy to use and highly efficient. Simply add your choice of natural ingredients, such as acorns, apples, or other favorite attractants, into the blender and create a unique scent that mimics the natural environment. The result is a potent, fresh scent that can significantly improve your chances of a successful hunt.

Included with the Scent Blender are essential accessories that enhance its functionality. These accessories make it simple to mix, store, and apply your custom scents in the field. The compact design ensures that it fits easily into your hunting gear, allowing you to take it anywhere your hunting adventures lead you.

FAQs on Deer Attractants

What are the most effective deer attractants?

As discussed above, the most effective deer attractants include a variety of products such as:

  • Deer feed and food plots: Corn, soybeans, and specially formulated deer feed.
  • Deer scents and lures: Doe estrus, buck urine, and other scent attractants.
  • Mineral attractants: Salt and mineral blocks designed to provide essential nutrients and attract deer.

When is the best time to use deer attractants?

The best time to use deer attractants varies depending on the type:

  • Food attractants: Year-round, but especially in late summer and fall when deer are preparing for winter.
  • Scent attractants: During the pre-rut and rut seasons (typically from late October through November).
  • Mineral attractants: Spring and summer when deer are growing new antlers and nursing fawns.

How do I properly use deer scents and lures?

To use deer scents and lures effectively:

  • Apply scent to scent wicks and hang them around your hunting area.
  • Use drag rags soaked in scent to create a scent trail leading to your stand.
  • Refresh scent markers regularly, especially after rain or heavy dew.

Are there any legal restrictions on using deer attractants?

Yes, legal restrictions on deer attractants vary by state and region. Always check your local wildlife regulations before using any attractants. Some areas may have bans on feeding wildlife or using certain types of scents.

Can deer attractants help in managing the deer population?

Deer attractants can be part of a deer management strategy by helping hunters attract and harvest deer more effectively. However, they should be used responsibly to avoid over-concentrating deer in one area, which can lead to habitat damage and increased disease transmission.

Do deer attractants work for both bucks and does?

Yes, many deer attractants are effective for both bucks and does. Food and mineral attractants, in particular, will attract both sexes. Scent attractants, like doe estrus, are more targeted towards bucks during the rut.

What are some natural deer attractants I can use?

Natural deer attractants include:

  • Food sources: Apples, acorns, and other natural forage.
  • Plants: Clover, alfalfa, and other deer-preferred plants in food plots.
  • Water sources: Creating or enhancing water sources can attract deer, especially in dry areas.

How do I choose the best deer attractant for my hunting area?

Choosing the best deer attractant depends on factors such as:

  • Local deer preferences and dietary habits.
  • The season and phase of the rut.
  • Legal regulations in your area.
  • Personal hunting strategy and goals.

Are homemade deer attractants effective?

Homemade deer attractants can be effective if they mimic natural food sources or scents. Common homemade attractants include mixtures of corn and molasses or using natural scents like apple cider. However, commercial attractants are often more consistent and scientifically formulated for maximum effectiveness.

What are some tips for using food plots as deer attractants?

Tips for using food plots include:

  • Planting a variety of crops to provide year-round food sources.
  • Choosing plant species that are well-suited to your local soil and climate.
  • Managing plots for optimal growth and nutrient content.
  • Rotating crops to maintain soil health and avoid pest buildup.

To finish, the best deer attractants on the market today—whether they are scents, minerals, or food-based products—can significantly enhance your hunting success. Understanding the unique properties and applications of each type of attractant is crucial for maximizing their effectiveness. Scents like doe estrus and buck urine are powerful tools during the rut, while mineral supplements provide essential nutrients that support deer health year-round. Food attractants, such as specialized deer feed and food plots, offer consistent and reliable means of drawing deer to your hunting area.

By combining these attractants strategically, you can create an environment that not only attracts deer but also promotes their health and growth. Remember to always adhere to local wildlife regulations and use attractants responsibly to maintain a sustainable and ethical hunting practice. With the right attractants and strategies, you can enhance your hunting experience, making each season more productive and rewarding.

My name is Ryan Fair I live in northwest ohio. I am married with 2 daughters who are my life. I am most passionate about chasing whitetails. If I’m not doing something whitetail related you can usually find me turkey hunting or on a boat somewhere with a rod in my hand. My main focus on writing is hunting whitetail and turkey. I also enjoy writing about gear reviews and fishing articles. In 2013 I helped start whitetail junkys with my good friend Dusty Kroft. We promote all things outdoors. You can find me at, on Facebook at whitetail junkys, or on my writing page droptine hollow outdoors.

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